“Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul”...Hebrews 6:19
During the spring of 2013, the American Bible Society and Barna Group did a survey of the entire United States of the most literate, and the least literate portions of the nation in Biblical Literacy. The study clearly showed that the New England states were the least Biblically literate part of the nation. The area between Providence,RI and New Bedford, MA came in last in Biblical literacy.
How sad a situation that we are in especially considering that our nation was founded on Biblical principles , and that even the founding documents also hold these principles.
The founding document of Aquidneck or Rhode Island, known as the Portsmouth Compact of 1638 states that: "we are to submit our persons, lives, and estates unto our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of kings, and Lord of lords, and to all those most perfect and most absolute laws of His given in his Holy Word of Truth, to be guided and judged thereby".
The Ocean State Bible Society advocates the use of the King James Version, or the New King James Version since they are the most complete and literal. OSBS since it's inception has given out close to 300 Bibles or New Testaments to those in prison, or those of low-income.
Biblical Literacy classes are offered through The Rhode Island Christian Institute. Our new website for this ministry: www.t-r-i-c-i.weebly.com
Call 401-619-2221 for help with any of our School Services.